
The short city tour will be organize as a part of the conference. We strongly recommend to check this page.

You can explore the city also by alone. Recommended routes are:


  • Mevlana Museum
  • Konya Panorama Museum
  • Ince Minaret Madrasa Karatay Madrasa
  • Alaeddin Hill.
  • Konya Archaeological Museum
  • Butterfly Garden.
  • Sille
  • Meram Vineyards


  • Meke Crater Lake
  • Çatalhöyük Neolithic City
  • Kilistra
  • Beyşehir
  • Akşehir

Recommended 48 hours in Konya:

Day 1

In the morning, sip Turkish tea at a very rich breakfast accompanied by the clean smell of steppe in Konya. Visit the Mevlana Museum and the Mevlevi Dervish Lodge. Then continue to lose yourself in the beauties of history, visit Konya Panorama Museum, Ince Minaret Madrasa and Karatay Madrasa. Eat Konya's famous Etli Ekmek at lunch. After lunch, visit the ruins of Alaeddin Mosque and Seljuk Palace on Alaeddin Hill. Visit the Konya Archaeological Museum and the Butterfly Garden. Go to the village of Sille, where Anatolian Orthodox once lived, and visit the Aya Eleni Church. Rest in Meram Vineyards. After eating Fırın Kebab for dinner, go to Mevlana Cultural Center and attend the Sema Ceremony. Complete the day by finding peace with mystical music.

Day 2

With the first light of the morning, go to Çatalhöyük Neolithic City and witness history thousands of years ago in this magnificent place.
Go to Kilistra and breathe its air in this ancient historical place with its fairy chimney-like settlement.
Then Move to Beyşehir district and discover the unique nature of Beyşehir Lake and the historical beauties around it.
Move to the center of the world, where the famous Turkish humorist Nasreddin Hodja accepts as the center of the world, namely Akşehir. Visit Nasreddin Hodja's tomb. Move to Gülmece Park (park for laugh), equipped with sculptures telling Nasreddin Hodja's very funny anecdotes. Walk through the historical Akşehir houses and reach the historical Nasreddin Hodja Archeology and Ethnography Museum.
At the end of the day, don't forget to buy souvenirs specific to the Mevlevi culture and Konya's delicious candies.