Proceeding Book: 2025 Proceedings of International Conference: Constructive Mathematical Analysis
ISBN: 978-625-00-7709-2

LateX Template with the instructions which are available here.

Special issues of the following peer-reviewed international journals dedicated to the Conference will be published:

  1. Carpathian Mathematical Publications
    • WOS: ESCI, Q1, IF: 1.0
    • Scopus: Q2, Cite Score: 1.9
    • Guest Editors: Roman Dmytryshyn, Serhii Sharyn, Tuncer Acar
    • APC: Free
  1. Constructive Mathematical Analysis
    • WOS: ESCI, Q1, IF: 1.1
    • Scopus: Q2, Cite Score: 2.4
    • Guest Editors: Özlem Acar, Gianluca Vinti
    • APC: Free
  1. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation
    • WOS: ESCI, Q3, IF: 0.6
    • Scopus: Q2, Cite Score: 1.7
    • Guest Editors: Tuncer Acar, Ioan Raşa
    • APC: Free
  1. Modern Mathematical Methods
    • Guest Editors: Bessem Samet, Stefano de Marchi
    • APC: Free
  1. Symmetry
    • WOS: SCIE, Q2, IF: 2.2
    • Scopus: Q2, Cite Score: 5.4
    • Guest Editors: Tuncer Acar, Donal O’Regan, Ioan Raşa
    • APC: See webpage